
How To Boost ATP Naturally To Reduce Metabolic Impairment

ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is the scientific currency that’s required to carry out the purpose of imparting life (energy) to every living cell. Energy is finally released when ATP converts/breaks down into ADP or AMP. Clearly, this organic reaction that takes place at the cellular level is essential to sustain life. In the lapse of the proper release of energy, cells are affected and it can lead to conditions such as fatigue, body pain, dizziness, DNA impairment, and even nerve damage. You need to focus on increasing the metabolic rate of the body in order to boost ATP by enhancing mitochondrial cellular energy production.

Effective Natural Ways To Boost Energy Levels With A Proper Diet

It’s necessary to increase the body’s metabolism to keep cells healthy, but the question is, how?

A lot of factors like aging, poor lifestyle, and stress reduce energy levels in the body. There are artificial supplements that can increase mental focus, but they aren’t really healthy in the long run. Instead, natural supplements like ENERGY PRO – ENERGY ENHANCER are quite effective. Having said that, another natural method that can improve and regulate mitochondrial functions for the purpose of producing more energy is a proper diet.

Proper Diet Inclusions

The proper diet that’s required to maintain cellular health and boost ATP production and conversion should be inclusive of;

1. Acetyl – L-Carnitine

L-Carnitine is naturally produced by the body and is required to carry healthy fat molecules to the mitochondria to be broken down into ATP in order to release energy. Dietary sources of Carnitine include green vegetables, low-fat milk, seafood, and legumes.

2. CoQ10

Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that effectively reduces muscular weakness and gets rid of fatigue. It remains stored in the mitochondria and protects it from all signs of oxidative stress. Dietary supplements for CoQ10 include Kidney beans, fish, eggs, broccoli, and oranges.

3. R-Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA), also known as R-Lipoic acid is elemental for energy production because it is required to convert glucose molecules into ATP. Cellular protection from free-radicals is another benefit offered by ALA.

Best dietary sources for R-Lipoic acid include carrots, rice, potatoes, tomatoes, and broccoli.

3. Vitamin B3, B6, and B9

Also known as Niacin, vitamin B3 is one of the primary sources that are required for the conversion of complex carbs into energy.

Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B9, just like Vitamin B3, serve the function of conversion of food into energy. Best Dietary sources for Vitamin B include whole grains, green leafy vegetables, red meat, fish, nuts, and legumes.

Other than the nutrients listed above, you can also boost ATP by enhancing mitochondrial cellular energy production with the help of the following alternate tips.

● Drink a lot of fluids (primarily water) in order to eliminate fatigue, dehydration, and cell shrinkage
● Cut down on sugar, alcohol, and cigarettes
● Sleep daily for about 8 hours
● Meditate and exercise for stress management

The alternate tips listed above help in improving the cellular quality that helps in the production of energy.