We love people in our lives to the extent that we tend to forget our priorities as well as other important aspects of life. Mostly the emotional aspects in relationships such as mother, lover, and friendships- these tend us to become a person of highly getting involved with others and give the least priority to self. This happens because we have perceived love in all the wrong ways until now. We forget that it is equally important to love yourself as much to love others. We have seen that mothers who love their children tend to sacrifice almost everything for them and are seen carrying a lot of guilt in the old age when their children get busy in their own lives.
When you start choosing yourself over anyone else, the guilt may surmount you. However, you need to liberate yourself from that guilt. You need to realize the importance of self love and find out the pleasures of igniting dignity in self-conscience through self love. There are some or other situations in each and every life that we come across. Everyone is bestowed with some or other struggles in life which keep them stronger and going. Despite every hurdle, struggle, and obstacle there are people who indulge in self love. They choose themselves over demanding relationships, broken friendships, and turmoil in stock markets.
Practice self love by taking charge of your life intentionally. Take your own decisions and do not always get driven by what others have planned for you. Make your own plans otherwise, you will always be dragged into unplanned directions. Feel empowered and come out of guilt and unseen fear unless you have taken a few steps for your happiness. You can start this little change by just stopping to try to please people in all wakes of life. Initially, it may feel like that you have upset some of them and you may feel like giving clarifications at times but ultimately you will learn the importance of holding a strong position of your stature.
Secondly, self love raises your emotional barrier to a great extent. As you start feeling confident, you stop relying on people for means or appreciation. You will have a more meaningful relationship that will support you through thick and thin of life. Your partner will also respect you for being confident and able to make firm decisions in life for your good. It is when you love yourself that people start loving you too.
As you will spend more on self love, there will a deeper connection between you and your self-conscience. There comes a harmony in your thoughts when you stabilize your emotions and find a route to make yourself happy with external dependency on other people. You find a friend for life who makes you feel secure and completely trustworthy. Self love teaches you to be a version better than yourself. You work towards challenging your capabilities and start believing yourself more.
When you realize that there is no one else more capable and satisfying than your own self, the dignity and self-respect also come into the picture. A deeper connection is realized within yourself and that’s how people see you- a person with a clear soul, clear thoughts and lots of respect for self and others- because the one who can love oneself can understand why everyone else should do it too.