
Risk and benefits of Vaping

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There are several studies and researches which show that vaping has numerous benefits over smoking. According to the many discussions vaping is also helpful in quitting smoking. This article is about the benefits and health risks of vaping. 

Nicotine and addiction: Researches show the essential evidences that e-cigarettes can addictive. There is e-liquid is used in the vape devices which consist nicotine. The use of the nicotine depends on the device, on the e-liquid, and of course on the user. Still the use of the nicotine by an adult in the vaping process is far less than that in normal cigarettes. So the risk of the addiction by vaping is less as compared to the conventional cigarette.

Toxic substances: Due to the toxic tobacco smoke, the traditional cigarettes are reason of many health risks to the user. The evidence shows that e-cigarettes also emit nicotine, toxic substances and airborne particles in the indoor environment. But if we compare the toxic elements of the smok mag mod kit to the conventional cigarette then vaping is far behind than the smoking. Most of the substances used in the vaping are not harmful except nicotine.

Human health effects: According to the studies vaping have several impacts on the health like cardiovascular disease, cancer, breathing problems, and oral disease. But the evidences are not sufficient that it has long term impact on blood pressure.  The impact of the nicotine on human health is not as strong as the impact of the tobacco smoke.

Harm reduction: All the studies and reports suggest that switching smoking to vaping can reduces the harmful impact of the chemicals produced by smoking. Smok starter kit is one of the best options to switch towards vaping.  

Youth prefer e-cigarettes filled with nicotine as it gives more impactful sensation like smoking to the user in comparison of non nicotine one. The amount of nicotine varies in the e-liquid; these juices are available from zero to high level of nicotine. smok mag 225w kit is available in various ranges nicotine from low to high. You can pick one as per your requirement.

So if you think that you know enough about vaping or using e-cigarettes then make enough research before getting your steps into it. There are sufficient evidences that vaping has slow impact on the human health like cancer, lung disease, breathing problems and many others. If you had made your mind to switch for vaping then you can start with the smok starter kit as it is especially designed for the new vapers.