
Symptoms of Menopause that might surprise you

Although all the women experience the phase of perimenopause in her life, there are certain facts which are not too widely known and some of these facts may surprise you as well.

A woman faces menopause when her periods eventually start getting irregular or suddenly stop at a whole thus, causing them to be infertile, it is caused due to the decline in the hormone called estrogen in women. The age of the onset of menopause can range from 45 to 55 and is primarily dependent on the woman’s genetics and her lifestyle. In some cases, women have also experienced menopause before 40 years of age. Some clear signs of menopause include the severity as discussed before might vary from woman to woman, sickness and bad lifestyle habits like excessive smoking might affecting the severity of Menopause.

Apart from menstruation changes, the premenopausal symptoms, and post-menopause are usually the same. The most obvious early signs of perimenopause are as follows:

  1. Irregular Menstrual period patterns
  2. Periods are usually heavier or lighter than usual
  3. Hot flushes
  4. Sudden Sweating at during the night while sleeping
  5. Dryness around the vagina that causes discomfort during sexual activity
  6. Difficulty falling asleep on an everyday basis
  7. Fluctuating mood issues combined with anxiety and stress
  8. A compromised libido causing a low sex drive
  9. Issues with memory and concentrating on everyday activities.

Perimenopause or menopause transition may starta year before actual menopause or more, when the ovaries start producing less estrogen than usual, it can start in a woman in her 30s or even her 40s depending on the situation and severity of the case. Perimenopause can last until menopause till the moment where the ovaries completely stop producing eggs, the last 1 or 2 years of perimenopause cause the slowdown of estrogen levels in the strongest form. The average duration of the perimenopause is 4 years. Some women can experience for a few months while for some women it can go up to 10 years, Perimenopause comes to an end when a woman has gone through 12 months without her periods.

There are a lot of changes that a woman goes through in her life and perimenopause is definitely one of them.

Your doctor can often diagnose the severity of perimenopause based on your symptoms and the diagnosis usually involves theblood test to check the hormone levels that helpsin the entire procedure. It may be more helpful to have several blood tests done at different times for comparison.

Solutions such as birth control, skin patches, vaginal rings, progesterone injections are very effective in easing perimenopause symptoms

A healthy lifestyle and sacrificing some bad habits that we bear may help heal perimenopause.Some suggestions are as follows

  1. Quit Smoking
  2. Maintaining a healthy sleep cycle while ensuring enough sleeping hours everyday
  3. Avoiding alcoholic beverages
  4. Maintaining a healthy weight and try not to gain much
  5. Enough calcium intake in your daily diet