
Tips for Avoiding Scarring After Surgery

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A fear of scarring is one of the main reasons why people avoid plastic surgery. Nobody wants to undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure to achieve their aesthetic goals but be left with an unsightly scar.

What causes scarring after surgery?

Injuries to the surface of the skin such as paper cuts will never leave a scar but once you go deeper into the dermis and fat, your body needs to work even harder to heal the incision. Scar tissue also becomes more likely with major incisions such as those made during major surgery.

To heal the skin, the body will start producing collagen, which is what gives skin its elasticity. The collagen also acts as a glue that pulls the wound together. This usually results in tissue that’s a different colour and texture than the rest of the skin.

Tips for avoiding surgery scars

If you’re undergoing major surgery, you’re never going to avoid scarring completely but there are ways that you can minimise it.

  1. Choose the right surgeon: One of the first ways that you can reduce the appearance of scars is to choose an experienced, board-certified surgeon. Experienced and qualified surgeons practice solid surgical techniques that allow them to minimise any tissue damage. Experienced surgeons may even be able to close incisions without sutures in some cases.
  2. Incision areas matter: A qualified plastic surgeon will select an incision site that they know is most likely to heal the fastest and where scars can easily be hidden. This includes areas such as creases in the skin and under the arms. This once again speaks to the importance of being very selective when choosing a Cairns cosmetic surgery clinic.
  3. Genetics play a role: Some people are simply more prone to scarring due to their genetics. If you know for a fact that you scar quite easily based on previous surgeries or injuries, it’s important to inform your plastic surgeon. They may just be able to suggest a non-surgical alternative.
  4. Follow all post-surgery care instructions: Following your surgery, your surgeon will give you a number of post-surgery care instructions that you should follow to the letter if you want to reduce your chances of developing a scar.
  5. Silicone tape is an option: Surgeons can now also reduce larger scars using silicone tape. This special tape prevents your body from producing large amounts of collagen by keeping the incision site moist and safe.
  6. Look at non-surgical options: Before you decide to go ahead with a more invasive procedure, find out whether there are any non-surgical options that will give you the same or similar results. You may even find that non-surgical procedures are more affordable yet just as effective.

The reality is that scars cannot be avoided after surgery but by following a few of these guidelines, you can greatly reduce the appearance of the scars or hide them completely. Speak to your surgeon about any other suggestions that they might have for minimising your risk of scarring.