
Buffalo Cauliflower


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With a head of this vegetable, you can exemplify – not to mention almost copy – the buffalo wings you so enjoy.

They look like buffalo wings, they have the same texture, the same aroma, and almost the same flavor. But they are only florets of cauliflower. That is, you would be eating a full meal of cauliflower florets while you cheer up your palate and your senses and begin, in this way to show a different path to your body in which you can eat healthy and very delicious.

Cauliflower and other vegetables are not only eaten raw or steamed. Even the same recipe as the one I just mentioned has variables that you can try to see which one is your favorite or which one is easier to prepare.

Buffalo cauliflower casserole, air fryer buffalo cauliflower, buffalo baked vegan wings …

In short, there are many recipes of buffalo cauliflower florets that you can try, now you know what else to look for on the web in your free time.

Stay with this image: baked buffalo cauliflower florets with potatoes and carrots baked with a little curry and vegan ranch sauce to accompany 😉

We are in a time when elements such as the internet and smartphones place us just a click away from anything.

Both true information, and junk information.

As far as healthcare is concerned, this has become a sensitive issue due to people or entities that, without any control, create a “DR” blog or “nutritionist consultant” to sell synthetic products or miracle diets that do not They are more than a temporary cure to our concerns.

All those tools or systems that offer to lose kilos in a couple of days are extremely damaging to health, but if we do not always choose the easy way, these false prophets that offer a “new body in a few days” would not continue to exist. They would not have anyone to sell to.

The ideal in terms of health, is basically what our grandparents professed, eat fruits, vegetables, truly healthy food, very natural and without preservatives, maintain a balanced diet and avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

That is, the issue is summarized in food and physical activity.

But how to eat healthy in a world where I walk around all day, the hustle and bustle of work does not give me time to cook, social pressure causes me stress, which causes me anxiety, and what I get on the way Are they fast food stalls?

Well, looking for the right foods and not expecting to generate a drastic change overnight.

All changes must be carried out gradually so as not to create a clash with our current condition.

The idea is not to stop drinking coffee from one day to the next if you are fully aware that your consumption reaches one liter a day.

Do not leave the sugar and meat completely and eat only a couple of almonds at breakfast, a raw carrot at lunch and spend four hours in the gym – when you do not even jog from school -.

This can generate a shock that will leave you exhausted, dazed, bitter and with only the need to feel a hamburger on your lips and never try again.

Among these changes, try foods similar to those that our body accustoms, but with a “psychological deception” – or white lie – can be a good start.

First of all, using the internet for this purpose instead of seeing memes all day long could contribute to exploit your creativity and make you leave the box where the only salads that exist are Cesar and tomato and lettuce, and see that there are thousands of ways to eat vegetables, as well as hundreds of vegetables whose existence you ignore when you go through the market.

The cauliflower is one of these. Deny that you have never passed by and caught a broccoli, because “they are like the same thing” or you simply have no idea how to prepare or eat it.

You would be surprised to know that one of the most popular recipes among vegans, nutritionists and people with healthy eating habits and a high level of probiotics in their bodies is based on whole foods buffalo cauliflower.