
Things You Need to Know About Tendonitis of the Foot and Ankle

Foot or ankle pain can get in the way of accomplishing your daily tasks. You must know that the common cause of foot and ankle pain is tendonitis. It is time that you give attention to tendonitis and what you can do about it.

The muscles of your foot and ankle are fastened to the bone by tendons. Tendons are cord-like structures that are strong. When you suffer inflammation surrounding the tendon, it is called tendonitis. The pain and discomfort usually go away with rest but it will return.

There are many types of foot and ankle tendonitis but the most common types include Achilles tendonitis, peroneal tendonitis, extensor tendonitis, exterior tendonitis, and posterior tibial tendonitis. Here are other things that you need to know about tendonitis of the foot and ankle:

What are the causes?
There are many causes of tendonitis. It is important that you know the causes so you can prevent or aggravate it.
• Overuse: the most common cause of tendonitis is the overuse of tendons. This

means that the tendon is excessively stretched and at some point experiencing a small degree of tearing. Overuse happens when there is an increase in activity.
• Trauma: another cause of tendonitis is foot or ankle injury. This happens when there is a sudden and powerful motion.
• Abnormal foot structure: tendonitis may also be caused by abnormal foot structure like flat feet or high arches. These problems can generate muscular imbalances putting more stress on the tendons.
• Medical conditions: there are specific medical conditions that can cause inflammation like rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthropathy, and gout. The inflammation can lead to tendonitis.

What are the symptoms?
Tendonitis is characterized by pain and some swelling during activity. Fortunately, resting relieves the pain but the affected tendon may be painful to touch. When you initially start an activity, you will notice the pain. Most of the times, the pain will reduce but it will come back as you keep on doing other activities. The ankle will become stiff.

What is the treatment?
As soon as you notice tendonitis symptoms, the general treatment is R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate).
• Rest means decreasing the activity as much as possible.
• When it comes to applying ice or cold compress, you should do it for twenty minutes

at a time. The ice is helpful for the swelling.
• Compression means applying ACE bandage or wrap. This can significantly help keep the swelling down and encourage healing.
• By elevating the ankle, you assist in moving the fluid away from the injury.
• For the pain, you can consider anti-inflammatory medicines like over-the-counter ibuprofen.

When to seek a doctor?
If you frequently experience tendonitis, it is time that you see ankle specialist nyc. You should also see a doctor if the swelling and pain worsen even after home care. The doctor may order x-ray or MRI test to check for fracture, calcification or ruptured tendons. For torn tendon, it will require immobilisation through cast or boot. At some point, it may even require surgery. With this, it is crucial not to ignore tendonitis.