
Importance of Health Exams

A woman’s body goes through several changes, from menstruation to menopause. Undergoing a Women’s Health Exam in Syracuse, NY, to ensure optimal health is essential to keeping track of these alterations. An excellent doctor in Syracuse, NY, will be able to make diagnoses and supply services like Pap tests, birth control, and in-depth examinations of the breasts and pelvis during this exam.

The significance of wellness checks and why they should be performed

Prevention and early detection are the key goals of the Women’s Health Exam in Syracuse, NY. Your doctor can diagnose problems better if he has access to much information. Even if your checkup reveals no significant issues, it will provide the groundwork for future appointments. In case of a subsequent complication, your medical history might provide light on its origins for your doctor.

Getting regular checkups is essential, but it’s especially crucial for women. Breast checks and mammograms can detect lumps and malignancies in their early stages, while pelvic exams and Pap tests look for abnormalities in the cervix.

Advantages of getting regular checkups are:

  • Getting checkups lowers the likelihood of developing a significant illness.
  • When people get their health checked regularly, there is a more significant possibility that treatments or cures will be effective.
  • Going in for checkups might help you keep your health in control.
  • Providing your doctor with a thorough medical history helps facilitate a quicker and more precise diagnosis.
  • Thanks to this, people in Syracuse, NY, can better protect themselves when they are up-to-date on the newest health risks and safety measures.
  • Regular checkups can help find potentially fatal health problems at an early, curable stage.
  • Frequent health checks significantly reduce the risk of developing more severe symptoms and allow for a prompt intervention by keeping a careful eye on any changes.
  • Healthcare costs are decreased in Syracuse, NY, because of early detection through frequent checkups, which may effectively treat severe health conditions.

Exams for women’s health

While women are more likely to have specific health issues, many of these issues are manageable with good preventative care and healthy lifestyle choices. That’s why regular checkups are so important. Some doctors in Syracuse, NY, recommend the following health exams for women:

1) Pap smear for cervical cancer screening:

When caught early, cervical cancer has a high survival rate and is one of the most curable forms of the disease. A cervical screening test may often detect the earliest stages of cervical cancer. As a general rule, a cervical screening test should be conducted every five years until age 75.

2) Checking for sexually transmitted infections:

To prevent the spread of chlamydia, sexually active women should be tested routinely. Infertility is one of the many ways chlamydia may negatively impact your life.

3) Prenatal care:

Before trying to conceive, a general physical test should be performed to detect and address any underlying health issues.

4) Examination of the blood:

Cholesterol screenings in blood testing should also be a standard component of women’s annual checkups.

5) Annual mammograms:

From age 50 to 75, it is advised that women who have no family history of breast cancer get a screening mammography every two years. For women with a family history, it is necessary to get mammograms every 6 months.

6) Annual eye exams:

A woman’s eyesight naturally declines with age. So it’s clear that women should have regular eye exams. A person’s eye health is preserved for extended periods if vision problems are identified and treated early.

7) Testing for Bowel Cancer:

There is hope for a full recovery if the problem is caught early. When looking for indicators of colon cancer, a faecal occult blood test might be performed. Faecal occult blood testing should be performed every two years on all women between 50 and 70.

8) Tests for diabetes: 

Women should be aware that they may be at risk if they:

  • Aged 45 or older with a body mass index (BMI) of more than 30
  • Struggle with the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Have a family history of diabetes
  • Pregnant women who experienced gestational diabetes